EDITOR’S NOTE: The Utah Review begins its examination advantage today of the 45th Utah Arts Festival, which will be captivated Aug. 27-29 (noon to 11 p.m. on Aug. 27 and 28 and apex to 9 p.m. on Aug. 29) on the Library Square in burghal Salt Lake City. As this is the state’s better multidisciplinary arts and cultural acquisition anniversary year, The Utah Review considers the Utah Arts Anniversary a aces arts and cultural barometer for the state, as this blind raiser indicates. For added advice about this year’s festival, see the Utah Arts Anniversary website and acceptance advice here.
Returning afterwards a communicable hiatus
This summer, Utah’s arts organizations accept emerged carefully yet steadily afterwards a abeyance of added than one year which started as the COVID-19 communicable beforehand beyond the nation. The communicable absolutely activated the animation of the arts and cultural institutions in the state, which above-mentioned to 2020 collectively accept punched able-bodied aloft their weight chic back it comes to arts participation. In statistics aggregate afore the pandemic, the Utah Cultural Alliance (UCA) appear that the arts industry in the accompaniment employs 155,551 people, breeding $4.8 billion in earnings, $264.3 actor in nonprofit acquirement and $15.2 billion in gross sales. Utah represents the third fastest growing accompaniment in the country in numbers of jobs affiliated to the arts and cultural industry, at an anniversary amount of 4%.
The communicable inflicted a aciculate bread-and-butter hit on the state’s arts and cultural industry, as acclaimed in the UCA report, which estimated that $76.6 actor was absent in agreement of bread-and-butter impact. But, the address additionally adumbrated auspicious numbers for Utah association acquisitive to acknowledgment to arts activities. The bounce 2021 address showed that 53% of the respondents surveyed would be actual accessible to accessory a above alfresco accident such as an arts anniversary aural six months.
Thus, the Utah Arts Festival’s authoritative accommodation to move this year’s event, commonly captivated in June, to the aftermost weekend in August was a advisable one. And, as the clip of vaccinations has regained best of its beforehand drive in the bosom of a contempo fasten in cases, anniversary organizers will abide to chase able protocols to assure assemblage that their acquaintance is as safe and adequate as possible. Anniversary organizers additionally accept collaborated with the Salt Lake Regional Medical Center on bearing abbreviate videos about adequate the anniversary in benign ways. This includes blockage safe during the communicable as able-bodied as the accent of application sunscreen and blockage hydrated.
This year’s anniversary dates are not the anniversary calendar’s latest in UAF history dating to its founding in 1976. There were abounding years back the anniversary was captivated in September and the June dates became approved alone back the new Library Square campus was completed in 2003. This year’s dates put the anniversary amid two added backward summer signature arts events: the aloof completed Craft Lake Burghal and the Urban Arts Festival, which will be captivated on Labor Day weekend at The Gateway.
This year’s anniversary is beneath and abate than in antecedent years but at atomic two affairs venues additionally will accept amid the better offerings in their history at the event: the Arcane Arts program, which is in its 26th year of alive presentations, and Fear No Film, which is actualization its 18th alive presentation. The anniversary will use about 30 percent beneath amplitude than in its best contempo years.
There is one beneath date (the Amphitheater Date which commonly has hosted black headliners) but there additionally are added than 90 assuming acts slated on the festival’s added stages, with abounding artists from the Utah arena authoritative their aboriginal actualization at the event. Added than 90 percent of the performers are from Utah this year, analogous abstracts from the ancient years of the festival’s history.
Festival organizers additionally are application this year’s abate calibration anniversary to coact with groups on evaluating how apartment can be bigger for accessibility, which will be implemented abutting June back the anniversary allotment to its accustomed agenda and schedule.
While the Burghal Library has yet to acquiesce alfresco events, calm anniversary programs will be captivated at The Leonardo on the south ancillary of Library Square, including the Fear No Blur all-embracing abbreviate blur programs. The Arcane Arts affairs additionally actualization an all-encompassing slate of BIPOC performers and arcane abstracts who will be assuming at The Leonardo’s Salt Cafe, as allotment of a affiliation with the YWCA Utah. There additionally will be alone and aggregation balladry and announced chat slams on the evenings of Aug. 27 and 28. Kase Johnstun, Arcane Arts coordinator, additionally has appointed performances by Artes de México en Utah, Torrey House Press, Color Collective, Balladry Out Loud winners and apprentice readings from Salt Lake Association College, Weber Accompaniment University, Brigham Adolescent University and Utah Valley University.
The new BIPOC affairs is accommodating by Sarah May, the festival’s aboriginal association and admittance coordinator.
There will be no Kids’ Art Yard but the anniversary has added a abate calibration Artistic Zone that will augment the accustomed Arts and Technology venue. The Artistic Zone (which will be accessible circadian apex to 8:30 p.m.) actualization hand-on activities congenital on the affair of Songs of the World!, forth with make-and-take projects sponsored by the Visual Art Institute, Utah Museum of Contemporary Art, Rock Canyon Poets and Utah Dejection Society. The Art & Technology Zone, which operates like a DIY pop-up artistic accomplishment site, will board abstracts and abetment from Accomplish Salt Lake members. Activities will board Lichtenberg wood-burning, 3-D printable zoo beastly designs, programmable glockenspiels, automated cast books and planisphere to represent the constellations based on specific times and locations.
2021 Highlights
As a quick overview, while the Artist Marketplace is abate this year (95 artists in adjustment to board 10-foot break amid exhibition booths), about two-thirds of the artists appear from alfresco Utah and 16 are authoritative their aboriginal actualization at the festival. Some 623 artists activated for the 2020 anniversary but back it was postponed, accustomed participants were accustomed the advantage to cycle over their berth fees, of which 60 artists took advantage. Those who were on the waitlist were again called to ensure a counterbalanced representation in the media forms.
There are two new applesauce commissions apery winners from 2020 and 2021, as able-bodied as the alcove music commissions. Ball commissions comprise bristles works, presented by Ballet West, in accord with artÉmotion and featuring alive music by artisan Michael Wall, Ballet West pianist Nicholas Maughan and artÉmotion Principal Faculty Jordan DeBona. Likewise, bristles ball companies will accomplish anniversary appearances including Repertory Ball Theatre (which has appeared at every anniversary except for one year back the aggregation was on bout in Europe), Ririe-Woodbury Ball Company, 1520 Arts, the Children’s Ball Theatre at The University of Utah, and Percussive Footwork Ensemble.
The 18th alive presentation of Fear No Blur includes 67 abbreviate films —ranging in breadth from four abnormal to 27 annual — as called from 22 countries besides the U.S. With the better all-embracing representation anytime in Fear No Blur history, there additionally are abbreviate films from India, Croatia, Singapore and Iraq, countries actuality represented for the aboriginal time. While abounding of the films had premieres on alive platforms, a acceptable cardinal will accept their aboriginal alive screening at Fear No Film. And, about 45% of the films accept changeable directors, blame the beforehand of representation in an industry that historically has been macho dominated. The slate actualization narratives as able-bodied as documentary treatments, forth with beginning and video art pieces and altered storytelling approaches in drama, comedy, abhorrence and history. This year’s slate includes some of the arch anecdotal treatments anytime to be featured in Fear No Film. There additionally is the anniversary antagonism for Utah Made Abbreviate Blur of the Year, in the apprentice and able categories. Audience associates additionally will vote for their favorites in Fear No Film’s nine alternating programs.
The aboriginal anniversary day (Aug. 27) will affection body music on the Park and Anniversary Stages with Moodlite, S2_Cool, Ryan Innes and Bri Ray actualization in the afternoon on the Park Date and black performances on the Anniversary Date featuring The Will Baxter Band and The Nth Power. In the Urban Arts venue, changeable bounded artists will be painting the alive mural on Aug. 28 and 29, highlighting their alone styles. Also, Mason Fetzer’s 100 Artists/1 Image accession allotment to the festival’s Urban Arts breadth for the 10th time.
Although the Burghal Library is not hosting anniversary events, the architecture is accessible to visitors and this includes the exhibition Geoglyphs: Quilts by Roxanne Bartel, Sheryl Gillilan and Sondra Hodson-Rosier, which will be accessible from Aug. 21 through Oct. 1 in the Lower Urban Room. Aggressive by a cruise to petroglyphs abreast Moab, the artists absitively to actualize checky renditions of geoglyphs with the ambition of cogent their own acceptance to the avant-garde times of their existence.
The festival’s music agency affairs enters its fourth decade with apple premieres of Resonant Machines by Theo Chandler, a Houston artisan and clarinetist, and Bien by Chia-Yu Hsu, a Taiwan built-in who is accessory assistant of agreement at University of Wisconsin at Eau Claire. Chandler, who has accustomed abundant commissions and is advancing his doctorate at Rice University, has set his allotment as six abbreviate appearance studies apery assorted appliances, toys and vehicles. Chia-Yu’s assignment is aggressive by the communicable and rendered in a four-section distinct movement highlighting the aisle of the communicable from the antecedent acceptance and battles to accommodate the virus to chant and affliction and assuredly to the optimism of a post-pandemic world.
While the alcove music commissions were recorded beforehand in the Libby Gardner Hall at The University of Utah for alive online during the festival, the two applesauce premieres will be performed at the anniversary on Aug. 27 at 6:30 p.m. Three-thirty on Thursday arises from the artistic antibody of a accepted dejection music lick by Steve Erickson, a adept aerialist with the U.S. Air Force Bands who is retired and works as a freelance musician, abecedary and artisan in the Salt Lake burghal area. The additional agency comprises two works, Acclimation and Dejection for Courtney by Tyler Chen, a able bagman who accelerating aftermost year from The University of Utah’s applesauce agreement affairs and afresh abutting Samba Fogo, Salt Lake City’s award-winning Brazilian music and ball institution. In fact, Acclimation is based on his analysis of Brazilian music as able-bodied as his claimed adventures during the pandemic. His additional allotment is a accolade to the backward pianist Courtney Isaiah Smith.
This year’s Mayor’s Artist Awards, presented in affiliation with the Salt Lake Burghal Arts Council (Aug. 27, 6 p.m., Anniversary Stage), board Lisa Sewell, the adept controlling administrator of the anniversary who stepped bottomward aftermost year afterwards a 25-year administration that accustomed and broadcast some of the festival’s best accustomed programs including Fear No Blur and the Art & Technology venues. Added accolade winners board the Mestizo Institute of Ability and Arts (MICA), a grassroots cultural alignment committed to arts, justice, belonging, and association ability founded in 2003 by Ruby Chacón and Terry Hurst, and Framework Arts, a bounded nonprofit accumulation targeted against adolescent artists with projects including Work, Love, The League of Reluctant Bicyclists, the Wisdom of the Water Closet, and Water, which is on affectation at the Utah Museum of Fine Arts as allotment of the Confluence show. Added recipients are Utah artist laureate Paisley Rekdal, who additionally will accomplish Aug. 28 at 6:30 p.m. at the Arcane Date and Dallas Graham, who accustomed the Red Fred Project, which gives accouchement with attenuate diseases and abiding affliction the befalling to actualize a book, of which added than a dozen accept been published.
Development and Sponsorship
This additionally will be the aboriginal anniversary with Aimée Dunsmore as the new controlling director. Succeeding Dunsmore in her above role as UAF development administrator is Meagan Mod, who confused to Utah beforehand this year from Louisiana.
Some 65 percent of the organization’s anniversary acquirement comes from the anniversary but Dunsmore additionally is attractive to body a stronger year-round afterimage for UAF’s attendance and opportunities to actualize new engagements in its development efforts. This coincides with UAF efforts on diversity, disinterestedness and admittance programming and means to highlight the programming of its assorted venues. The Anniversary Art Appearance during the end-of-the-year anniversary division has become a accustomed accoutrement but the anniversary organizers additionally afresh absitively to move its accustomed Mardi Gras masquerade affair from the winter to October, afterpiece to Halloween. The masquerade affair is one of the best acknowledged non-festival contest for UAF.
Corporate sponsors are analytical but the anniversary agents additionally has connected to aggrandize its efforts in borer creatively into the alone donor’s psyche, decidedly in shepherding fundraising efforts that point against a bequest accord potentially addition beyond several generations. Amid accumulated sponsors authoritative a first-time attendance at the anniversary are the University Credit Union and the BON V!V adamantine seltzer company, which has targeted the SLC market, including the barrage of one of its newest flavors, raspberry dragonfruit. As SLCLunches biographer Heather King reported, Salt Lake was adopted as a barrage bazaar based on 2021 sales of their adamantine seltzers which accept tripled added U.S. markets. There will be affluence of aliment and cooler offerings, including 15 aliment business vendors forth with the Uinta Brewing Aggregation Lounge, amid aloof east of the Garden Stage.
Meanwhile, associates numbers of the Friends With Allowances program, now in its 12th year, abound steadily, admitting slowing during the communicable hiatus. The affairs is a basic springboard for the festival’s development program, which seeks to aggrandize the alone donor abject forth with its advancing accumulated advocacy program.
Some 65 percent of the organization’s anniversary acquirement comes from the festival. One of the festival’s best fundraising events, which consistently sells completely, is the Big Deal Brunch, captivated on the closing day, above-mentioned to the gates actuality opened. This will be the seventh time for the brunch.
Mod is planning to aggrandize aloft the affair that UAF has accustomed in customizing fundraising approaches to affix with altered audiences and markets for the festival. One of the best acknowledged approaches resonates with the aforementioned casual, close ancestors or association ambient that drives the festival’s all-embracing vibe. Accommodation is key, according to Mod, who sees admired allotment in befitting the acceptance bendable and low key after putting too abundant pressure. In the Friends with Allowances program, donors can alpha abundantly at $50 annually or baddest one of assorted addition levels alignment in acquiescent increments to $2,000 or more. Abounding associates accede it a arrangement because the rewards in acknowledgment calmly are three, four, or added times the donated investment, Mod explains. Dunsmore adds that back the anniversary was adjourned aftermost year which meant that the accepted allowances of tickets and accommodation passes would not be accessible forth with added amenities based on giving levels, 98 percent of Friends about autonomous to accomplish their aforementioned donation accessible to UAF. This was an important acumen because donations are absolutely tax-deductible provided no appurtenances or casework are accustomed by the donor. Opting into accepting allowances lowers the donation’s tax-deductible value. “We acutely accepted aloof how abundant the Friends accurate the anniversary during the difficult amplitude of the pandemic,” Dunsmore adds. There additionally are options for absorbed donors to accomplish planned or banal ability and assemblage can annual the UAF as their nonprofit of best on rewards affairs cards including Smith’s Shopper Card or their Amazon Smile account.
The sly amusing acceptance has formed abnormally able-bodied for Friends Who Give A Crap, which is actuality offered for the fifth time. Every accessible Port-A-Potty was claimed in 2019 by donations. For $75, a donor can sponsor a Port-A-Potty, and in return, will accept their names featured on a assemblage forth with a brace of anniversary tickets and a miniature commemorative cream potty. In 2018, one donation was apparent by a alliance proposal. Dunsmore says the attack resonates able-bodied with affairs who contrarily ability not accord if the acceptance seemed too academic or alike snobbish. Indeed, restrooms are an abrupt appeal. Dunsmore says that added than a few Friends with Allowances associates adduce the acceptance to the accomplished adaptable bathroom accessories on the Accommodation and Sponsor Patio as a awful adapted advantage of membership.
Volunteers additionally represent a almighty anniversary advantage, abnormally in ensuring that anniversary year’s programming consistently incorporates new elements in assorted ways. Anniversary year, hundreds assurance up to beforehand for what about is a miniature burghal of arts and culture. The boilerplate amount of that beforehand accomplishment is a analytical aspect in acceptance or foundation proposals – with a affected amount of $25 per beforehand hour. Meanwhile, the amount of staging the anniversary per being has added badly aural this decade – by as abundant as 60 percent to amid $25 and $30 per person.
Tickets and Admission
This additionally will be the 23rd year in alms acceptance for chargeless to children, 12 and under, acknowledgment to the allocation of sales tax acquirement appropriate for Salt Lake County’s Zoo, Arts and Parks (ZAP) program. Some 60 percent of anniversary goers accept taken advantage of assorted acceptance discounts and bags of tickets are accustomed chargeless to underserved and appropriate needs populations.
Tickets at the aboideau will abide the aforementioned amount as in 2018 and 2019 at $15 each. For tickets purchased in advance, there is a $2 discount. Seniors and those with aggressive IDs can acquirement tickets for $8 at the anniversary box office. Bicyclists additionally will accept a $2 discount. UAF organizers additionally will adviser cartage breeze into the anniversary in the accident of acceptable angel assurance and amusing distancing.
This additionally will be the aboriginal year area UAF is authoritative tickets purchased online to be beatific beeline to a patron’s email inbox or adaptable accessory via QR codes. Online tickets can be purchased through the end of the festival, so individuals can acquirement afore they arrive, en route, or alike from a adaptable accessory aloft accession at anniversary grounds. In-person purchases at the anniversary box office, however, will abide to be by banknote only.
Follow The Utah Review circadian through Aug. 26 for all-embracing previews and interviews of assorted breadth performers and activities. And, chase The Utah Review’s Instagram and Twitter accounts and feeds throughout the festival’s three days, which will be accommodating by Huber Alday, amusing media editor.
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